
Crowne Plaza Den Haag The Hague Promenade Netherlands

Conference and Meeting room capacities Layout Examples Layout Examples

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec. H L W A
Board Room - - 10 - - - - 3.96 7.01 2.13 14.93
Kleyne Zaal 55 40 32 45 40 25 75 2.13 11.89 7.92 94.17
Oranje Zaal 65 42 38 50 50 25 75 3.05 10.97 7.92 86.88
Park Zaal 65 42 42 50 50 25 75 3.05 10.97 7.92 86.88
Salon 60 30 20 40 50 30 70 - - - -
The Gallery 80 56 35 65 60 30 100 - - - -
Residentie Zaal 220 95 70 150 150 54 300 3.05 20.12 11.89 239.23
Key: H = Height / L = Length / W = Width / A = Area